Some say it’s shorthand for one of the most offensive words in the English language.
Many refuse to say it.
Others use it all the time, oblivious to the hurt it can cause.
I say it every day.
FACT: The number of people participating in weekly traditional Christian worship is and has been for some time, in decline.
That trend continues.
Get over it.
This statistic is old news and doesn’t matter.
Because spirituality is never about numbers and always about relationship.
Relationship to GOD (whatever that means to you), to self, to those close to you and to total strangers.
Relationship cannot be quantified.
Like all living things, faith ebbs and flows. It has moments of intense vitality and moments when it goes into hibernation.
A Reading From the Gospel According to Eminem
Since birth I’ve been cursed with this curse to just curse.
(The Way I Am – 2000)
Since birth we’re all cursed.
From our birthday to today, we are cursed to ride a roller coaster. Up and down, faster and slower, exciting and scary as hell. Within 60 seconds, it can be sickening and satisfying.
The ride is required, but the coaster you choose is up to you.
Don’t let the scary parts numb you to the thrill.
Embrace fear and doubt. Without them, there is no faith.
Know that it the experience is different for every rider. There is no right way to ride. Some people throw their hands up in the air and shout. Some sit quietly. It’s all OK.
Trending is a seductive marketing word.
Talking heads try to tell us, “The ride is blah blah blah! People who ride this ride are all blah blah blah.”
They do not and cannot know what it will be for you.
Jesus, the Jewish designer – the “C” coaster’s designated namesake – never threatened, never forced anyone to ride it and never used it as a weapon.
All are welcome. None are denied. You’re never too young or too short or too (fill in the blank) to hop on-board and be included.
If you choose this ride, it means going where and how it was designed to go. From one rider to the next, the experience is never the same.
It kills you, but so does every other ride. When used as directed, it causes no ill side-effects.
Please take minute to check out “The Weekly Word”.
Every ride has music and in this free weekly dispatch, I touch on some part of the song.
So long and thanks for all the fish.
Enjoy the ride.